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Costume Design
Dry Land by Ruby Rae Spiegel
Directed by Joyce Lu
Allen Theater in the Seaver Theater Complex
Photos taken by Xiwen Wang
Photos taken by Dana Rebecca Woods

Sc 1 Costume Sketch & Fitting Pic

Amy, in swim team locker room
Amy, wannabe cool kid, looks at her abdomen in the swim team locker room

Amy confides her pregnancy to Ester

Amy confides her pregnancy to Ester

Sc 2 Costume Sketch & Fitting Pic

Ester in swim locker room
She has just biked to school.

Amy & Ester
Discuss urban legends about how to get rid of a pregnancy.

Amy & Ester
Amy asks Ester to sit on her abdomen to try to abort the baby.

Sc 3 Costume Sketch & Fitting Pic

Reba, cool girl on the swim team
Reba checks her messages.

Sc 4 Costume Sketch & Fitting Pic

Amy & Ester
Amy bullies Ester into giving her money or a credit card to buy the abortion pill.

Sc 5 Costume Sketch & Fitting Pic

Swim team after practice
Amy ignores Ester in front of Reba

Amy taunts, bullies Ester

Amy taunts, bullies Ester

Reba witnesses Amy's bullying

Sc 6 Costume Sketch & Fitting Pic

Ester before swim team tryouts

Ester & Victor wait in the hall

Ester & Victor wait in the hall

Sc 7 Costume Sketch & Fitting Pic

Amy has taken the pill
Ester wants the credit card back.

Amy begins to hemorrhage

Ester helps Amy through the ordeal

Janitor walks in on the scene

Sc 8 Costume Sketch & Fitting Pic

Ester has gotten into college

Amy & Ester talk about future plans

Sc 9 Costume Sketch & Fitting Pic

Prepare for swim team practice

Amy contemplates her future
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